martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

Let´s practice!

Let's see how much you have learned! 

Read the descriptions and choose the right option.

(Veamos cuánto aprendiste! Lee las descripciones y elegí la respuesta correcta)

1.- It can climb and swim. 
It can't walk or run. 
What is it?

A FOX                          
An owl
                                  A snake 

2.- It can swim and jump. 
It can't fly or sing. 
What is it?

A butterfly
A frog
A hedgehog

3.- It can fly but it can't jump.
What is it?

A mouse

A cat

A butterfly

4.- It can run and jump. 
It can't fly or sing. 
What is it?

A duck

A fox

A snake

5.- It can jump and run very fast. 
It can't swim. 
What is it?

A duck

An owl

A cat

Draw a picture of your favorite animal and write a description. Read the description to your classmates. Can they guess what your favorite animal is?

Dibuja a tu animal preferido y escribe una descripción  Lee la descripción a tus compañeros. ¿Pueden adivinar cuál es tu animal favorito?

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